Orchestrates and extends existing solutions by building solutions-on-solutions or extending its existing technical calibre. Technology EnablersDeveloping technical solutions to address business challenges:AWS ControllerBank BAI/BTRS Format ConvertorEPM Robotics Process Automation (RPA)Machine Learning Modelling Solution ExtendersTrack record of building Solution Extenders for Oracle Hyperion EPM (e.g., rounding solution, intercompany reconciler, journal manager, etc.)Maintaining a pipeline of TGG OneStream Extenders (TOEs) – Line Detail Planning Extender, OSS Messenger, Journal Analyer, Fixed Assets Register, Data Access ManagerCDM Accelerators: CDMXM, Styler Data OrchestratorsData orchestration requires integration between on-premise, cloud-to-cloud, in a scalable, secure manner.REST API integration with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Big QueryREST API integration with Oracle Cloud ERP Do you have questions on how to maximize your existing solution? Reach out to our Solutions Forge team to see how we can help! Contact Us Other TGG Service Pillars Strategy & Engineering Digital Enablement