As a OneStream partner with advanced standing, we are on track to become an official OneStream Development partner.

TOEs: OneStream Messenger
Embedded messenger utility within OneStream that facilitiates broadcast notifications and integrations to an organization’s existing Incident Management Platform (e.g., Service Now, ZenDesk, Jira, etc.). Support related requests also capture user session specific information to expedite resolution.

TOEs: Assets Registration
The Assets Registration solution extender not only allows individual asset movement capture (addition, disposition, valuation adjustment) and compute related depreciation or amortization based on IFRS recognized methods, but also be able to handle Acquisition Accounting of Assets (duo ledger between parent view and local business view).

TOEs: Line Detail Planning Extender (LDPE)
Line Detail Planning Extender (LDPE) acts as a sub-ledger to OneStream allowing the capture of additional line details both for Actuals and Planning enriching the analytics capabilities (e.g., vendor concentration, currency exposure, project details, client trending).