EVENT: Unlocking Strategic Insights – Leveraging OneStream for Enhanced FP&A Analytics

Harmonizing top-down with bottom-up plans unlock strategic insights.  Learn how with OneStream.

Front-line operations often plan at levels of granularity necessary to support key business decisions, but these details are diverse and frequently vary from business area/unit to one another – from key business drivers, non-linear events, to initiatives that span across multiple fiscal years.  However, due to technical constraints, these details are commonly summarized or rolled up into captions that provide a comparable view of financial business plans across the enterprise for leadership review and monitoring.  Creating this view:

  • Either results in details being lost in disconnected spreadsheets or impacting system performance (e.g., data sparsity)
  • Fuels lost productivity (reconciling data for integrity, time lost aligning changes to plans)
  • Potentially hides strategic value levers often contained in the lower levels of granularity

Attend our webinar to learn how OneStream can harmonize top-down and bottom-up plans and enhance FP&A Analytics to unlock strategic insights through TGG’s Line Detail Planning Extender (LDPE).

In this session, we review the challenges in harmonizing top-down and bottom-up plans with traditional FP&A software and how the OneStream platform can be extended through TGG’s LDPE solution to address this challenge.

When: Tuesday, June 20, 2023, 2 – 3pm ET

Where: Virtual / Online

#ReInventFinance #UnlockPotential

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